Infection Prevention

In this program we focus mainly on infection prevention and retention among the adolescents and youths. By partnering with relevant stakeholder and organizations, CYAN KENYA has collaborated with LVCT health in the DREAMS program, (which has been able to graduate 500 girls from intervention) to offer HIV/AIDs infection and prevention intervention like ‘SHUGA’ curriculum, equipping the adolescent and young women under the DREAMS program. The program also inculcated other prevention measures like distribution of PREP youths and condom distribution, in safe spaces, during the sessions.

CYAN Kenya has also partnered with the Impact Research and Development Organization, LVCT, and the Ministry of Health (MOH) to provide rapid HIV testing services in the ADOLESCENT DAY events, which are run quarterly. In this regard the organization provides HIV testing services, free condom distribution, information sharing and IEC materials.

Adherence and retention

We promote primary healthcare to ensure that the adolescents and youths living with HIV have good records in retention in order to care and adhere to the needed medication and health care in the community. By focusing on this, the organization, through its volunteer members, provide home based counseling support to adolescent and youths living with HIV aids under the Youth Peer Provider model (YPP model).

To further champion primary healthcare, CYAN Kenya looks forward to recruit, train and deploy youth peer providers from among the adolescents living with HIV to provide peer support to ensure the 95-95-95 goal is achieved by 2030.

For millions of young people around the world, the onset of adolescence brings not only changes to their bodies but also new vulnerabilities of human rights abuses, particularly in the areas of sexuality, marriage and childbearing. Millions of girls are coerced into unwanted sex or marriage, putting them at risk of unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, and dangerous childbirth. Adolescent boys are at risk, as well. Young people – both boys and girls – are disproportionately affected by HIV. Yet too many young people face barriers to reproductive health information and care. Even those able to find accurate information about their health and rights may be unable to access the services needed to protect their health.

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